It's main appeal is that it's not a movie that revolves around battle scenes, but it has a humanistic plotline. You can see reflections of current issues like discrimination, in the story being between normal humans and mutants. The characters are humanized, even the mutants. You could see Rogue seeing the novelty of the idea of having a "cure" for her inability to touch anybody. You can feel her jealousy seeing her boyfriend Iceman with Shadowcat(who's cuter than Rogue to me). You'll also see a grieving Cyclops and a defiant Storm.
Something I just have to note: What's up with Arclight? We still don't know if she's a dude or a woman. Wish they picked a better actress(or actor) or a better costume/makeup artist for her(or his) character.
The ending is full of loose ends. It's either they intended it that way or they're leaving options for another sequel. Whatever that maybe, it was a nice movie, and I hope you guys watch it.
Regine and her cousin was supposed to join us. I worried of becoming a third wheel, or fifth for that matter but I guess it was really not necessary. We waited a while but decided to enter the movie without them. We entered, about half-way through the movie and finished it, then repeated it. When we reached the scene where we entered, we started to go out. That was when Regine and her cousins arrived! I rather not watch a movie twice in a row, and I already pitied Karlo because he had already seen this (this was his second time)and he was starting to sleep through the movie already. Rj decided to watch it again with them, saying he didn't understand it anyway. How could he, he was texting the whole time!
Well, that ends another days adventure. Plan on watching Pirates of the Caribbean next time...
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