RULES: Each player of this game must start off with 10 weird/unknown things/habits about herself/himself as well as state the rules clearly. At the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1.) Whenever I go out of the house I have that annoying nagging feeling that I left something important. Every morning before I leave for school I check my bag almost 5 times to make sure that the stuff I need are there but I couldn't get rid of that feeling. Sometimes though I did leave something behind, but I'm usually halfway to school by then. Oh yeah, this also happens whenever I sit down somewhere. I have that feeling I left something so usually double back twice just to really make sure
2.) I fall asleep immediately on trips. It's like having a switch to just turn of my brain. Even the 15-min trip to the mall I fall asleep in the car almost immediately. I even sleep on my 30-min jeepney commutes to and from school (Also trike rides for that matter). And with that I always wake up exactly on my stop (Katipunan-Petron or Makro). Only over-slept and missed my stop once - and that was the other day.
3.) I'm a really cheap guy. I like to call it thrifty if you will but in whatever case I hate spending. I actually find it weird that I'm the spendthrift in the family. my parent's find it frustrating when the want to buy me something like shoes because they're willing to buy me expensive ones but I'm the one who doesn't want expensive ones. I walk my way to Ateneo from Petron - everyday, even now during summer, because I don't like to spend for trike fare. I even refuse to turn on the aircon because I don't like to jack up the electric bills more. that's why it's easy being an environmentalist for me
4.) Whenever somebody offers me something, I always smile and politely say "No Thank you". even though I really want to accept it. I don't know why. Be it candy or anything, I will always say no even if I want it. Sort of automatic uncontrollable response. So when you offer me something and I say no, I may really want to say yes so ask again.
5.) I could easily tell you the title of a movie showing in HBO(or any channel) in less than 5 seconds as long as I have watched it before. Training I guess. Whenever my parents are watching something they don't know the title to they'll just ask me. Listening to the dialogue without looking or a passing glance at any scene, even an obscure one can identify the movie for me. I don't know if you'll believe me cuz that only ones who can really know are my parents. But I can really do it - As long as I've watched it before. hehe
6.) I'm allergic to math. Honestly, I'm not joking or speaking figuratively. I break out a cold when I'm doing math. I get a runny nose during tests. when you hear someone blowing his nose during a test, it's probably me. But as soon as i leave the room or finish the test, the colds disappear almost immediately. Migraines don't count as allergic reactions to math - thats just natural and apllicable to any test you don't like.
7.) I always sleep under a blanket. Can't sleep without one. Even during this summer heat and I'm sweating like a pig I have to be under a blanket. But I don't have a baby blanket, any blanket will do.
8.)I always cram. Seems perfectly normal for a student maybe, but I've never done something in advance. NEVER. I cannot do anything without a deadline. I've even got a system for it. I only do my assignments at 9pm onwards, anytime before is wasted any way I please. English papers, Lit papers, physics assignments and reports, everything. Finish at 12midnight or earlier, even if there are alot like an english paper and lit report at the same time. what I'll do is prepare everything so that I can cram it like hell the following day before due time.
And this works are due the next day.
9.) I sleep in my parent's room. Practicality and circumstance. Small house, and my room is converted into an attic storage room and my other room in the attic is as hot as hell because of the ceiling space. Also, I cannot sleep alone at night. In the dark I turn all paranoid and stuff (too much horror movies). I can sleep alone if a.) the TV is on (distraction because silence at the dark creeps me out) or b.) the light is on, though won't matter if I'm still alone. At day I can. But my parent's and I don't sleep on the same bed. Have this sleeping mat on the floor.
10.) I am afraid to watch one of my my favorite movies. Yeah, as emo as it sounds I'm afraid to watch A Walk to Remember, but not in a Aaaghh!!!-horror-movie-I'm-scared-type of afraid. I don't like to watch it because I'm afraid I'll turn all emotional when I watch it. It's still my favorite romantic movie, but I'm a hopeless romantic and that movie can just push me over the edge.
I'll wave the tagging other persons rule. Only few people read my blog anyway and there not the one's that's fun to do this game on. Hehe
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