Sunday, April 15, 2007

Summer Sucks

Summer officially sucks. Yesterday I only got to enroll in my Math class and nothing else[PS: Summer enrollment procedure blows]. I didn't get the foreign language class I planned to take and that just made me guiltier for wasting tuition cash for 1 class. Now I'm supposed to go to a 1 and a half hour class at 7:30 in the morning everyday from Monday for to Friday for the next 6 weeks. Thats fare money being spent to go to school and back for one class. Disproportionate spending of cash for 1 stupid subject I tell you.

I just hate it when my plans go to hell. Its an annoying feeling. Its a feeling that everything is ruined. I dunno, I hate the feeling when i don't control the situation, especially one that I planned myself. I have my own way of planning things, and if all goes to plan it's like a well-executed military campaign. And you know whats its like when a military battle goes awry...people become pissed.

Last time one of my plans fell apart this frustratingly was last December and I hated it. Now my mid-term college life planning gets screwed up because of registration procedures. *Sigh*........... anyway, there's only one thing to do wen one's plans fall apart. Take a deep breath, and plan again accordingly.

By the way, the Monday registration thing for my job was clarified and it seems we'll take a different one, which means I don't have to miss first day of summer class. oh great, uninterrupted Math. Whoop dee dee. [/sarcastic]

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