Saturday, October 02, 2010

OWB Low Battery

So I've come upon another creative, life-energy, mental dry spell that I can't even think of the next sentence I will write after this upon. It's ridiculous. Well I know it will end eventually but what should I do until then? I can't tap a well that has gone dry, I have to wait for the stream of consciousness to flow again naturally. I haven't discovered a way to break out of this phase yet.

nothing. Nada. Zilch. All I could think of doing now is just keep reading, and hopefully that can spark some kind of reaction in my mind. Brings me to a thought though about having professional help. R has the luxury, time and money to take seminars and classes that is improving his craft. Mine is basically a self-help thing. Should I edit and polish my past pieces or should I leave them as is as a markers of my improvement? Hmm.. haven't really thought about it. I guess I'll just try making better new ones. But again, the problem here is that i have nothing to write about. Low battery, a situation where my mind is silent and I have no idea of how to jump-starting it back up.

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