Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Best Wedding Ever

It was the best wedding I've ever seen. It wasn't at all perfect, not like the fancy formal church ceremonies or the sunlit garden weddings filled with teary-eyed relatives. The sky was dark with clouds and it was raining fiercely. Only the groom's father was there, and even he was standing well away. There were no flowers, no fancy clothes, no bridesmaids and a best man, not even a ring. But there they were, the couple standing in the middle of the torrent, shouting their vows over the noise of the falling rain, and sealing it all with a kiss,heedless of the raging world around them even as if all was already coming to an end.

And all of this happened aboard a ship under attack by the Flying Dutchman.

Yes, I'm talking about that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End where Will and Elizabeth get married amidst the raging battle aboard the deck of the Black Pearl. I've gotta hand it to Jerry Bruckheimer and the rest of the PotC producers, for they outdid themselves with this one. It was spectacular to put it lightly, with the rain, the whirlpool, the CG creatures, the sword fighting, the cannon blasts and the flying chunks of wood.

All of this elements combine to make a scene reminiscent of the Lord of the Rings and it's "the-world-is-ending-so-we-do-what-we-can" dramatic vibe. It's sort of a weird mix of an adrenaline-pumping battle scene with a sudden mushy lovefest amidst it all that makes your (fine, my) heart warm before throwing you back into that adrenaline pool. It's a sanctuary from the action that you share with the characters, that for a brief moment, you see their perfect wedding where all there is is their love, even as the world around them is falling to an end, so to speak. It's the best wedding I've ever seen I tell you. By the way, sorry for the mushiness, I just enjoy romantic moments :P


It's kinda sad though that Will has to do his time as the Captain of the Flying Dutchman. For those of you who missed Davy Jones' explanation, he has the job of ferrying souls who died at sea to the other side of...well I guess the sea and do this for ten years, where every ten years he has a chance to step on land for 1 day. 1 day, every ten years - sucks ain't it? That's why Davy Jones is so bitter. Now if you connected the dots that means the cute couple of Will and Elizabeth can only meet once every ten years, as seen in the post-credit scene where Elizabeth walks to the shore with her 9-yr old son and see Will green-flash his way back into the mortal world.

Don't worry, the writers of the PotC says, for there was a deleted scene where Davy Jones continues his explanation that if Calypso met him on that day, his term of service aboard the Dutchman will be broken -the why poor ol' Jones is heartbroken. Now since Elizabeth met will that day, his curse was broken, and so presumably they lived happily ever after, well, until they make Pirates of the Caribbean 4. They just had to make do of a ten year separation -I guess that's better than nothing.

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