Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On the Brink of Graduation

So I haven't blogged about anything since Ketsana (yes, I like that name better). Chalk it up to lazyness for not writing anything down, but I did have alot of blog-worthy experiences that I could have reflected on that went by these past 6 months. There's the week to the death and funeral of J's mom, J's birthday, the decision to not got to pampanga that I regret, the useless HS alumni general assembly, doing my thesis, the uneventful Christmas season, the job fair, my fun trainwreck orals in theology, going through accounting class and getting a B for doing nothing and of course, what it's like to be a graduating college senior, with the future and all that.

At least of all those I was planning to make blogs about old friends and broken bridges, career planning and a special Blue rose post. And of those most probably I'll make the Blue rose one because it is the easiest. I guess I haven't written anything senior syndrome related because it hasn't sunken in yet that I'll be thrown volently in to the real world in a few weeks. That I'll be leaving the life I've just gotten around to getting used to. That 4 years of college is indeed over. That and I have plenty of distraction from anime to my friends occasional drama.

So what now dear blog? Where do I start writing again? I actually don't know. Well, let's see. It seems like I will have plenty of time in my hands for a while.

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