Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It Continues...

Still incredibly effing lazy. I'm losing steam! All I'm looking forward too now are tv shows, movie showings, the ocassional DotA games, free time, break time and more free time where all I do is sit back and wait for the next round of break time comes around after the coming hour of whatever work. Oh well, back to highschool routine I guess. I'm actually glad that I've reached second sem beofre growing lazy again. Small consolation to the fact that I'm starting to do badly in academics. Well, not that badly - yet. Some assignments here and there, not reviewing for a quiz, and generally getting not-too high grades.

You know what, my mother's incessant guilt-tripping on me is actually starting to come through to me. Whenever I ask for permission to go somewhere they always allow me, like this coming sunday's Taal trip, but after that comes a 30-minute discussion about me "doing my responsibilities" and "not letting my graded fall". And now, seeing that my grades are indeed somewhat slipping, I am starting to feel a bit guilty about abusing my parents long leash on me...

Late New Years Resolution: Get grades back up. Need to get into a caffeine induced rush. *slaps self repeatedly*

(Curse blogger problems for delaying this post for a week)

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